Getting to Know Vidar
A talk by Susan Overhauser
Sunday, January 15, 3:15pm
San Francisco Waldorf High School
470 West Portal Ave., San Francisco
As Michael transitioned from Archangel to Archai, the being known as Vidar stepped into Michael’s position as ruling Archangel. Who is this being, and how does he relate to Michael and Christ?
This talk will provide some background information about the being known as Vidar and his importance for our current time. Vidar is known from Norse mythology as an Aesir (god) who survives Ragnarok and conquers the Fenris Wolf who is trying to devour the sun. Vidar can help us achieve the forces and discernment needed to conquer Ahrimanic and Luciferic influences.
Vidar has been active for a very long time, in close connection with Christ. Vidar is also connected to Buddhism, and to the purified forces of the “sister soul of Adam,” forces that did not go through the fall of man. Vidar’s task is very relevant to our times, and to the development of a true etheric clairvoyance. A verse for Vidar will be shared at the conclusion of the talk.