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Michael Celebration in San Francisco

You are warmly invited to join us in a festival celebration to honor the spirit of Micha-el. The Bay Area Eurythmy Ensemble has been inspired to work with the Michael Imagination by Rudolf Steiner in preparation for this festival and aims to trace he arc or Rudolf Steiner’s last address (given September 28, 1924) as a centenary tribute. Through eurythmy, speech and visual art we offer an artistic experience of the individualities R.Steiner mentions in this final talk.

Bruce Donehower will follow with a talk addressing the significance of Novalis and connect this to the festival of Michael.

We hope to welcome you at 2938 Washington Street, Dakin Hall* at 3 pm for this special event. Doors open at 2.30 pm.

Parking in the neighborhood is very limited and SFWS requests that you consider taking public transport or ride share as much as possible. If you come in your own vehicle please plan for ample time to find legal parking.

For more information contact Monika Leitz, through [email protected]

*please note this is the Grade School campus of SFWS

Ways to Social Healing

Course 1: Awakening to the Supersensible and Elemental World

In this 3½ day course, we will learn and practice methods for awakening to the supersensible and elemental world. Invited are participants of a preparatory course (or equivalent experience) including previous Course 1 participants who want to deepen their understanding and practice. Attendance is required for all units. 

Next date

This course will take place if there are 6 or more participants. 

Thursday, November 7 – Sunday, November 10, 2024

Thursday: 3:30-7 pm

Friday-Sunday 10 am-7 pm

Location: 108 Greenwood Avenue, San Rafael, CA

Fee for First-Time Participants: $350-$450 (Sliding Scale)

Fee for Repeat Participants: $250

Checks can be made out to “Serving Social Healing”

Prerequisites: Preparatory Course for Spiritual Awakening

RSVP via the Contact page

Ways to Social Healing

Introductory Course 10/24 – 10/27

Methods for meditative work and spiritual schooling

While we tried our best at writing an introduction to this work (see:, experience shows that it is really helpful to be introduced to the practices by experienced practitioners.

On this page, we will provide ways for you to get in touch if you’re interested in trying out methods like the Logic of the Heart for finding Inner Peace and your sense for truth, the Logic of the Will for finding just and harmonizing actions in the world, Image Dialogue Work for getting an in-depth understanding of life situations and karmic tasks, or Spiritual Dialogue Meditation which is a deepening of all the previous practices and gradually strengthens your connection to your Higher Self, unfolds your potential capacities, and connects you to your life mission or vocation, i.e. the conscious application of your capacities for the benefit of others.

More about the Basic Methods and & Preparation for Spiritual Awakening

You’re invited to a 3,5-day in-person workshop in San Rafael to experience an introduction to the Basic Methods of Social Healing.

Dates: 10/24 – 10/27

Times: 10:00 am – 7:00 pm PDT

Location: 108 Greenwood Ave, San Rafael, CA 94901

Cost: $350

Sign up here: contact page